Air Receiver Tank


Air receiver and air blaster mean an unfired pressure vessel (UPV) used to contain compressed air and connected to an air compressing system and end-used application. An unfired pressure vessel is a potentially hazardous piece of equipment as its content is constantly under pressure. Any design or fabrication fault, under maintenance or misuse could lead to an explosion and failure of an unfired pressure vessel. A number of such explosions and failures have occurred causing devastating damages to buildings and loss of human lives. Therefore, it is essential that these unfired pressure vessels to be stringently monitored in order to safeguard the lives of people and damage to property. 

Our team of expertise carry out the monitoring of UPV to ensure that the integrity of this equipment is maintained meticulously and safe to be used in the factory according to Factories and Machinery Act 1967, Factories and Machinery (Steam Boiler and Unfired Pressure Vessel) Regulation, 1970.

Integrity Monitoring, Maintenance and Services Scope of Work.

  1. Conduct UTTM (Ultrasonic Testing Thickness Measurement) with NDE Level II inspector to determine material thickness of UPVs dish head and shell.
  2. Provide design calculation of UPVs dish head and shell according to ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1 (Rules of Construction of Pressure Vessel)
  3. Conduct overall physical inspection come with functionality check of pressure safety valve, pressure gauge and drain system
  4. Hydrostatic testing
  5. Cleaning, re-painting work and internal chemical cleaning of UPVs
  6. Calibration of UPV’s accessories
  7. Inspection report
  8. DOSH PMT certification (local and export UPVs) and annual renewal.

Aerodyn Group
Main Office (1257403-W)


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